#!/bin/bash # Installs the SBC/CBR/DBB membrane protein topology predictor suite including # - OCTOPUS # - SPOCTOPUS # - SCAMPI-single # - SCAMPI-multi # - S-/PRO-/PRODIV-TMHMM # - TOPCONS # and the auxilliary software # - MODHMM # Requirements: # CMAKE version 2.6 or higher # gengetopt # subversion # xsltproc # Various standard unix utilities (cat, echo, grep ...) set -e # Configurable paths # prefix_path=/usr/local; prefix_path=/home/aronh/topology_predictors_download; modhmm_install_dir=$prefix_path/modhmm; topology_predictors_install_dir=$prefix_path/topology_predictors; tmpdir=/tmp/topology_predictors_download; cmake=`which cmake`; # Have cmake in PATH or specify path to binary here gengetopt=`which gengetopt`; # Have gengetopt in path gengetopt_install_dir=`dirname $gengetopt`; # or specify its location directly # Check for correct version of cmake cmake_version=`$cmake --version | cut -b 15-`; cmp_number=`echo $cmake_version | cut -b -3 | sed s/\\\\.//g`; if (( $cmp_number < 26 )); then echo "cmake version 2.6 or newer needed. You seem to have version $cmake_version at '$cmake'"; exit 1; fi [[ -d $tmpdir ]] || mkdir -pv $tmpdir; ### MODHMM ### # Download source code [[ -d $tmpdir/modhmm_src ]] || mkdir -pv $tmpdir/modhmm_src; svn co https://svn.sbc.su.se/repos/cbr/modhmm-projects/trunk/modhmm $tmpdir/modhmm_src; # Build and install [[ -d $tmpdir/modhmm_build ]] || mkdir -pv $tmpdir/modhmm_build; cd $tmpdir/modhmm_build; [[ -d $modhmm_install_dir ]] || mkdir -pv $modhmm_install_dir; cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$modhmm_install_dir -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$gengetopt_install_dir $tmpdir/modhmm_src; make make install ### TOPOLOGY PREDICTORS ### # Download source code [[ -d $tmpdir/topology_predictors_src ]] || mkdir -pv $tmpdir/topology_predictors_src; svn co https://svn.sbc.su.se/repos/cbr/modhmm-projects/trunk/cmdline $tmpdir/topology_predictors_src; # Build and install [[ -d $tmpdir/topology_predictors_build ]] || mkdir -pv $tmpdir/topology_predictors_build; cd $tmpdir/topology_predictors_build; [[ -d $topology_predictors_install_dir ]] || mkdir -pv $topology_predictors_install_dir; cmake -D CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$topology_predictors_install_dir -D TARGETS="topcons;spoctopus;prodiv_tmhmm;scampi;scampi-msa" -D CMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=$modhmm_install_dir $tmpdir/topology_predictors_src make make install ### Clean up rm -rf $tmpdir;